Home Inspectors have had a bad rap for quite some time, and probably for good reason. Back in the good ol' days, anyone could stick a magnet with a logo on the side of their truck, tie a ladder to the roof, and call themselves a Home Inspector! Ta da! Everyone's probably heard of someone who's been "ripped off" by their Home Inspector.
As the COVID-19 outbreak continues to evolve, we want to assure you that Nu Level Inspections is doing everything we can to take added precautions and keep our clients and employees safe. This is our number one priority.
So, you have put in an offer on a home you are looking to purchase, and your realtor advises you to have a home inspection done. Most people do not use home inspectors very often, so having one that you know and trust in your contact list is probably unlikely. Your realtor will typically have a short list of companies that they have worked with in the past, and recommend.....but what is the inspector actually looking for? We have complied a list of items that all inspectors should be inspecting in order to meet the industry Standard Of Practice. This list is not all encompassing but it gives you an idea of what to expect. (different associations carry different standards that their inspectors must work to, but they are all fairly similar)
Mold spores are everywhere in our environment, indoors and outdoors. Certain spores can lead to allergy symptoms, while others can become more harmful. In the course of a home inspection, clients are most often concerned with mold as a result of water damage, but high indoor humidity levels can also cause significant issues for occupants.
An ice dam is ice that forms at the roof edge. The gutters become filled with ice and prevent melting snow (water) from draining off the roof. The water can back up behind the dam under the shingles and leak into the home causing damage to wall, ceiling, insulation, and other areas.
The benefits of infrared technology in today's home inspections are numerous. A trained thermographer can spot anomalies that would not otherwise be visible. But first let's talk about what Thermal Imaging actually is so we can better understand its capabilities and its limitations.
This is the most popular question we get asked by people inquiring about our services. The Inspection fee is based on a number of different factors. While there is no standard fee guide to regulate home inspection prices in Calgary there is an industry standard which most companies will stay within in order to stay competitive. While we can't speak for other companies, Nu Level Inspections base our fees on the following:
What Is Attic Rain? It’s winter in Calgary and we have experienced some very cold temperatures this year. While some people love